Chilliwack Natural Resource District
Road Details
Condition Somewhat Degraded (Last updated 105d)
Condition Details Road has rough spots, water bars or moderate washouts and may require high-clearance 4WD
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 4.61km
Owner Timber Sales Manager Chinook
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Sean Caulfield reported on: Apr 13, 2024
Alder could be a problem. I clipped a few
Road is buried under snow
Crossing one of several small creeks where culverts presumably have been removed
Walked the first 2km of this FSR (duplicated with American 2 which runs in reverse), it was buried under several feet of snow. First ~250m at the very least driveable to a cleared area, might possibly be driveable further after the snow melts but hard to know how the creeks would look. I'd expect BC pinstripes from alder at least.