Pink Mountain FSR

Peace Natural Resource District
Road Details
Location null
Condition Good Condition (Last updated 174d)
Condition Details Road is 2WD driveable in most cases or easily driven in a 4WD.
Closures No Posted Closures
Length 18.60km
Owner District Manager Peace (dpc)
Retirement Date Feb 15, 2005
Waypoints Download GPX
Road Description

No description.

Road Bulletins
Francis Bailey reported on: Feb 04, 2024
Snow conditions heading up
A bit deeper in spots
Another look
[From Robert Hergott] - Roads were in great condition, light traffic, and with low snow levels, we made it to about 1 km from the repeater station at the top before a snow drift on the leeward side would have caused problems we didn’t want to deal with.