Heath Anderson

Join Date: Oct 16, 2023

Location: Not Specified

Contribution Points: 96

Bulletins: 11
(6 points each)
Photos: 15
(2 points each)

Recent Contributions

Sts'ailes West FSR

Not much to add on top of the previous reports. Littered with potholes and heavily trafficked. Nothing that a 2wd couldn't handle up to Chehalis-Myste...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Chehalis-Mystery FSR

Wow this road is in excellent shape. I drove from km 0 to the intersection with Mystery Creek Branch 8100. In some spots I think you could mistake it ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100a

I did not drive this road, just sharing a photo a took as I was driving by. Looks like you can get through if you don't mind driving over some alder b...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Chehalis River Upper FSR

This road is rough. I drove it north to south where I came across several steep and deep ditches and a massive washout at the end. Before the washout ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024
Mystery Creek Branch 8100

Not much to add on top of Francis's last report. Road is in the same condition more or less. Trench still filled in with the rock and no downed trees ...

Heath Anderson - Jun 30, 2024

The road is in much the same shape as Liumchen East. No major washouts just some small cross ditches. The last 500m of the road has 2 small muddy spot...

Heath Anderson - Jun 22, 2024
Liumchen East FSR

No major washouts on this road, just some cross ditches to go though. Most are quite small, but some steeper ones closer to the top. I scraped the hit...

Heath Anderson - Jun 22, 2024

Compared to the Ford MTN FSR this road is in great shape. No washouts to compete with and is actually pretty smooth. The last 200m of the road is comp...

Heath Anderson - Jun 08, 2024

Road as definitely seen better days. Few large washouts to compete with, Tacomas and Jeeps will be able to walk though them. Medium clearance awd vehi...

Heath Anderson - Jun 08, 2024
MURDO 1700

Road is in somewhat poor condition. A few washoutouts to navigate and a couple of steep and loose sections. HC 4x4 will have no problem. Lower clearan...

Heath Anderson - Mar 31, 2024
Murdo FSR

Drove to the McKay Lake Trailhead. The road has no washouts or serious waterbars at least to that point. There are fairly steep and loose sections tha...

Heath Anderson - Mar 31, 2024